The First Pancake: Hello World
Show Notes
- Why a podcast?
- Fun to hang out
- We learn a lot from one another.
- Chance to share what we’re building and learning in public
- Chance to meet and elevate other folks in the community
- Set the stage for what to expect on the show
- We are figuring this out, so don’t hold us to it in these first few episodes ;)
- Building and learning from Software Development but also life
- Introduction and background - Our Origin Stories
- First web dev moments
- CJ
- TI89 games (2003)
- MySpace (2004?)
- Perl for seismology lab (2005)
- free 000webhost style domain with ads (2005)
- PHP pamphlet sites for air conditioning company
- UNR Student union ASP.NET
- Contract work building one-off apps - campaign management app that later rebuilt in Rails
- Joined the military, deployed in 2011 to Afghanistan, and learned a ton of Cisco networking and security
- Learned c++ in CS, but also did a lot of IS classes and started IS focused MBA after graduating
- VB.NET at a finance company focused on insider trading
- .NET c# for robots - wasn’t a fan of the company
- “become a hacker” - App Academy fell in love with ruby
- Small vacation rental startup where I learned - Django and python
- Stripe
- Colin
- Library books on “VRML”, making games, “hacking” games locally to do different things
- Homestead, Geocities, Myspace!_GeoCities,
- Photoshop Communities & Kirupa Forum - Layer Tennis
- Writing code in Notepad, no syntax highlighting, no project folder
- College - Started with Computer Sci but decided to take another path
- College Newspaper - College Publisher
- Rails CMS for the newspaper
- Realizing that I would graduate, I moved us to WordPress
- Agency → Laid off in recession → Starting my own agency
- WordPress
- APIs
- Salesforce
- Building tech community
- Reno Collective Coworking
- Ignite Reno
- hackathons, meetups
- A few startups
- Founder, first-employee
- More consulting
- Now at Orbit -
- Links
- live pixel canvas