Handling Stripe Webhooks with Rails
This is mostly for my own reference later so I can
quickly copy and paste snippets.
First, I create a webhook controller:
rails g controller Webhooks
Then, configure the routes to accept POST requests
# config/routes.rb
resources :webhooks, only: [:create]
Then, I make sure to skip CSRF protection, which doesn't
make sense for webhooks.
# app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb
class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
Next, I'll add a private method to fetch the webhook endpoint secret:
def endpoint_secret
(Rails.application.credentials.dig(:stripe, :signing_secret) || []).first
Then, I'll drop in this code which is a smiple getting
started, but ultimately I often need to expand to using
Jobs for processing.
def create
payload = request.body.read
sig_header = request.env['HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE']
event = nil
event = Stripe::Webhook.construct_event(
payload, sig_header, endpoint_secret
rescue JSON::ParserError => e
# Invalid payload
render json: { error: { message: e.message }}, status: :bad_request
rescue Stripe::SignatureVerificationError => e
# Invalid signature
render json: { error: { message: e.message, extra: "Sig verification failed" }}, status: :bad_request
# Handle the event
case event.type
when 'payment_intent.succeeded'
payment_intent = event.data.object # contains a Stripe::PaymentIntent
puts 'PaymentIntent was successful!'
when 'payment_method.attached'
payment_method = event.data.object # contains a Stripe::PaymentMethod
puts 'PaymentMethod was attached to a Customer!'
# ... handle other event types
puts "Unhandled event type: #{event.type}"
render json: { message: :success }
To confirm the endpoint secret is set up correctly, edit the credentials:
EDITOR=vi rails credentials:edit
Confirm the yaml has something like this shape:
public_key: pk_test_456ghi
private_key: sk_test_xyz789
- whsec_abc123
I like to test and build webhooks with the Stripe CLI, so I'll print the secret
to confirm it's the one that I'll use with the listen
stripe listen --print-secret
In this case, it printed
that will be the webhook signing secret used for the webhook endpoint created
by the Stripe CLI automatically when I run the stripe listen
I've started using bin/dev
to start my rails apps recently. It can be helpful
to add a line to always start the webhook listener here too.
Here's what my Procfile.dev looks like:
web: bin/rails server -p 3000
js: yarn build --watch
css: yarn build:css --watch
stripe: stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhooks -c localhost:3000/webhooks
jobs: QUEUE=* rake resque:work
Now that the webhook is configured, I'll fire up the app:
Note that when the app starts, the output will also include the webhook signing secret, in case it wasn't printed earlier:
At this point, we can test to see if the webhook
endpoint is working using the Stripe CLI.
We should log out PaymentIntent was successful!
when receiving a payment_intent.succeeded
With the trigger
command in the Stripe CLI, we can cause that event to fire:
stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded
I check the server log and confirm that I see that message printed and now I'm
ready to move onto app specific event handling logic.